Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday Regurgitation of Stuff From the Internetz

Bring out your knits -- Thursday, March 20th will be Sweater Day in honor of what would have been Fred "Mister" Rogers' 80th birthday.

We poor -- The dollar has fallen to $1.50 to the Euro. Dreams of Parisian street crepes fade further on the horizon.

Get Sweded -- If you haven't seen Be Kind Rewind yet, you should go see it this weekend. The Times wrote an article in 2006 on how Michel Gondry used everyday people--300 Passaic residents, actually--to make this movie about, well, everyday people making movies. Awesome. Once you love the movie, go Swede yourself on the movie's website. It may turn out as creepy as mine.
Oldies but Goodies -- OK, so SNL was like so four days ago, but I just had to share this video anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You would think Be Kind Rewind is a good movie.

Well I agree with Anthony Lane of The New Yorker. "Be Kind. Erase."

-Nick P.