Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why did the peacock cross the road?

Um, somebody please explain to me why this man, who saved a peacock from the side of the road, cannot get anyone to help him find the proper home for it?? Really? “So far, he's had no luck with the Game Commission, animal control, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or the local zoo,” says the article.

I guess the first question we should ask is, Why pick a peacock of the side of the road?


Anonymous said...

I wonder why this story was newsworthy enough for the AP to cover.

The guy who sometimes inspects my car raises peacocks and peahens. Those things love to play on the road; I almost hit one every time I'm by his house.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why this story was newsworthy enough for the AP to cover.

The guy who sometimes inspects my car raises peacocks and peahens. Those things love to play on the road; I almost hit one every time I'm by his house.